High Tech, Low Inclusion: The EEOC Report on Diversity in the Tech Sector

The high-tech sector, known for spearheading advancements in science and technology, seems to be lagging when it comes to inclusion and diversity. A report recently published by the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) titled “High Tech, Low Inclusion: Diversity in the High Tech Workforce and Sector from 2014 – 2022” dissects the current state of diversity in this sector, offering a sobering insight into the extent of the problem.

Behind the Figures

The EEOC’s findings show a disturbing trend of underrepresentation for certain demographic groups in the high-tech sector. Women and Black workers, in particular, are being left behind. The figures reveal that despite being nearly half of the U.S. workforce, women make up only 22.6% of the high-tech workforce in all industries and a meager 4% in the high-tech sector. The representation of Black and Hispanic workers in the high-tech workforce has seen negligible progress over the years.

The Issue of Age Discrimination

The report also highlights age as a factor in employment discrimination within the high-tech sector. Interestingly, the high-tech workforce skews younger than the total U.S. workforce. In the high-tech world, over 40% of the workforce belongs to the 25-39 age group, compared to 33.1% in the overall workforce. Workers over 40 have seen their representation in the high-tech sector decrease from 55.9% to 52.1% from 2014 to 2022.

Moreover, the EEOC report notes that discrimination charges filed by tech professionals were more likely to involve issues of age, pay, and genetic information than those filed in other sectors.

The Call for Change

EEOC Chair, Charlotte A. Burrows, asserts that “America’s high tech sector, which leads the world in crafting technologies of the future, should not have a workforce that looks like the past.” The Commission is committed to identifying and resolving instances of discrimination that contribute to these disparities.

The EEOC report concludes with a call for employers in the high-tech sector to actively investigate and overcome barriers to employment. Proactive policies geared towards boosting inclusion are needed to ensure that everyone gets a fair shot at high-tech opportunities.

Were You Denied a Job In High Tech?

If you applied for a job in the high-tech sector and believe that you were discriminated against due to your age, race, gender, or ethnicity, it’s advisable to consult with an experienced employment attorney.

Discrimination is not just ethically wrong, it’s illegal. Your rights are protected under the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and other federal laws – laws that are in place to ensure everyone has equal opportunities in the job market. Don’t hesitate to stand up for your rights and seek legal counsel if you’ve been unfairly denied a job in the high-tech sector.

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