Religious Harassment by Chipotle Manager

Religious Discrimination & Harassment is illegal. Helmer Friedman LLP Los Angeles lawyers represent people harassed because of his or her religion.

Areej Saifan, a 19-year-old Muslim employee at a Chipotle restaurant in Kansas was subjected to religious harassment by her supervisor, Kevin Silva Garcia, who repeatedly asked her to remove her hijab. The harassment continued for several weeks, with the assistant manager even pulling off the her hijab, and exposing her hair. Despite reporting the behavior to a shift supervisor, no action was taken to address the harassment, leading the employee to resign. The US Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has filed a lawsuit against Chipotle on behalf of the employee, seeking backpay and other damages. This kind of harassment is unacceptable and goes against the right to work free from discrimination based on religious beliefs and practices. Chipotle must take responsibility for the actions of its employees and ensure that such behavior is not tolerated in the workplace.

Race and Religious Harassment at Trucking Company

Constitutional rights lawyers of Helmer Friedman LLP.

Trucking Company Allowed Harassment of Former Employee Because of His Race and Religion, Federal Agency Charges

The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has filed a lawsuit against Wheeler Trucking for violating federal civil rights laws. The lawsuit alleges that the company subjected an employee at its Lorain County, Ohio location to harassment based on his religion and race. The former employee was also denied a religious accommodation he requested, and faced retaliation when he complained about the harassment. Ultimately, he was separated from employment.

According to the EEOC, Wheeler Trucking personnel frequently and severely harassed the former employee using racial slurs and derogatory terms. The former employee complained multiple times, but the company failed to take meaningful action to address the harassment or prevent future incidents. When the former employee spoke out against the discrimination and harassment, the company’s treatment of him worsened, leading to his separation from employment.

The EEOC filed the lawsuit under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which prohibits retaliation, race discrimination, and religious discrimination. The case was filed in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Ohio (EEOC v. Wheeler Trucking d/b/a Wheeler Trucking, Inc. and Wheeler Logistics, Inc., Case No. 1:23-cv-01874) after the EEOC’s attempt to reach a pre-litigation settlement through its administrative conciliation process failed.