New Title IX Rules Combat Transgender Discrimination and Sexual Harassment in Schools

LGBTQIA+ people have the right to a workplace free from gender discrimination.

The Biden administration introduces new Title IX rules to combat transgender discrimination and revamp sexual harassment policies in schools, sparking debate and aiming for inclusivity.

The Biden administration has unveiled new rules aimed at combating discrimination against transgender students and revamping the approach schools take toward allegations of sexual harassment and assault. These regulations expand the scope of Title IX, a federal law prohibiting sex discrimination in schools receiving federal funding, to encompass protections for gender identity and sexual orientation. Additionally, the rules touch upon the participation of transgender athletes in sports and require provisions for pregnant students or those who are recovering from childbirth, including services related to abortion and lactation.

This initiative has ignited debate, especially in conservative states with stringent transgender policies, and seeks to foster a more inclusive environment while altering the process for addressing sexual assault claims, thereby diverging from certain policies of the Trump era. The new rules take effect August 1st, in time for the next academic year; these adjustments have attracted widespread attention and controversy.

In contrast, the Trump administration’s 2020 regulations mandated colleges to conduct live hearings with cross-examination in sexual assault cases, applying a “clear and convincing evidence” standard for guilt. The Biden administration’s policies provide universities greater leeway in case management, permitting alternatives to live hearings and adopting a “preponderance of the evidence” standard for determining guilt. Moreover, while broadening the definition of sexual harassment, the Biden rules preserve some mechanisms introduced during the Trump administration, such as informal complaint resolution options. Critics voice concerns over potential injustices towards accused students under these new rules, while advocates argue they will enhance campus safety for survivors of sexual assault.

The regulations also delve into the contentious issue of transgender students’ rights, particularly in sports, sidestepping definitive guidance on transgender athletes’ sports participation to avoid influencing the presidential campaign. Although there is widespread resistance to allowing transgender athletes on female sports teams, the proposed rules would disallow blanket bans but sanction certain restrictions. The ongoing evolution of policies regarding harassment complaints underscores the administration’s commitment to refining and stabilizing Title IX directives.